There are, unfortunately, thousands of exercise equipment related injuries reported involving children each year. Approximately 8,700 of these injuries, are with children under the age of 5. It might surprise you to learn that many of these injuries are friction burns. It is not only children that are injured by this equipment, many adults suffer injuries as well.
Safety tips:
Make sure that any weights are safely stored. Barbells can be very hazardous, so its good to make sure they are kept securely when not in use.
Treadmills should have a safety key, which should be clipped on to the person at all times when they are using it. In this way, the treadmill will turn off automatically if there is a problem. When not in use, keep the safety clip cord safely out of reach of children. Never leave it hanging down.
When you are using the treadmill for the first time, make sure you know how to operate it before you start it up. Ensure that you have a gradual acceleration as well as deceleration.
Perhaps we enjoy loud music or the television while we exercise. If this is the case, make sure that gym equipment is positioned so that you can clearly see who is entering the room. It could be dangerous if a child has wondered in without you knowing it.
We all know, children love playing with things they shouldn't, so its a good idea to keep all gym equipment safely secured and in their locked positions when not in use. A good practice is to unplug the equipment as well, thus preventing the child from turning it on accidentally. Of course, if you can, lock the room and this will stop the child from even entering.
Safety in the home is of utmost importance to us. If you are unsure if any areas of the home are unsafe, please contact us and we will be happy to advise you.