The kitchens sink. Turn on the faucet and observe how good the water pressure is. If it seems too low, try to find the reason why. How fast does the water drain from the sink? You should also look underneath the sink and in the surrounding cabinets for any signs of water damage that would indicate a leak.
The dishwasher. If a dishwasher is leaking in any way it may have caused all kinds of damage, some very serious such as rotting of the sub floor or mold so you will want to inspect this as well as you can. For example, are the connecting hoses and seals in good shape or do they look damaged or cracked?
Electrical outlets. Check that all the electrical outlets in the kitchen are in good working order.
Gas ovens. If the kitchen comes with a gas oven, see if you smell any gas odors around it. If you do, this may be another area for concern, and you will want to know why it is happening.
Kitchen countertops. Damaged countertops or deteriorating grout will harbor all sorts of bacteria and you may feel it’s better just to replace them.
However, make sure you think about this when making up your budget.
As you can see, when looking around potential new homes, you don’t need to have years of experience to observe some basic warning signs that the kitchen may be hiding some bigger problems with the home.