If you want to sell your own home because you would like to be in control of the process then it's very important that you know exactly what you will be in for, as you may quickly begin to feel out of your depth otherwise. Make sure you are aware of the areas in which you can save money and those that should not be skimped on. An example of this is with the home inspection. You should not skimp on this. The reason is that a thorough home inspection carried out by a qualified, experienced home inspector will help you to find out about problems with your home that could affect its value. Knowing this before the buyer’s home inspection will enable you to fix the issues ahead of time. Houses that have had recent inspections are also more likely to attract buyers, so this is another benefit.
Have realistic expectations. You may have an amount of money in mind that you expect your home to sell for but ask yourself if it is a realistic amount. It is important to do this because you may just end up spending a great deal of time and energy waiting for an unrealistic offer. The advantage of hiring a real estate agent is that they are experts in their field. They keep up to date with market trends and know the amount that properties are fetching in your area, if you decide to go it alone, you will need to find out all this information yourself. You will also need to research things like the types of contracts, documents, and other legalities, etc.
So, if selling your own home is something that you are considering, these few suggestions will help to give you a brief idea of what to expect from the selling process.