Try to simplify as much as you can ahead of time. Start going through things you haven’t used in over a year and determine if you will ever use them. Place items in different piles, for example one for donating or giving away and another for a possible yard sale. Try to recycle as much as you can and in this way, you will be reducing the amount put in the garbage. If you leave these things till the day of the move, its much more likely you will end up just throwing them away.
Other items that are very bad for the environment when placed in the garbage are things like: chemicals, electronic equipment, batteries, paint cans, and light bulbs to name just a few. Sort these out ahead of moving day so that they are disposed of in the correct manner. If you are unsure of how to dispose of them, contact your local environmental agency who will let you know where to take them.
Its easy to see the benefits of sorting through your things ahead of time, not just for the environment but also to help you have a less stressful move.