Before it is even visible, mold may have started growing in a carpet, in fact, you will only notice mold in a carpet when it has become a more extreme case. This should highlight the need to purposefully check for mold. Take a look at the underside of the carpet and don’t forget to check the carpet padding as this is an area at high risk for mold. Keep in mind the type of environments that aid mold growth. Mold loves damp and humid conditions so, if your home has carpeting in the bathroom, basement, or any other area with high levels of moisture and humidity, they will be at greater risk of carpet mold.
What should you do if you find mold in your carpet, can it be easily removed? A lot depends on how great of an area of carpet is affected by the mold. Small patches that have only developed recently can usually be taken care of with a cleaning. If the mold covers a large area, has been in a flood, or spent longer than 24 hours wet, it is generally best to replace the carpet entirely. It is always best to err on the side of caution than to put the health and wellbeing of you and your household at any risk.